


  1. 保護你的皮膚免受陽光照射
  2. 定期保濕
  3. 避免吸煙並保持健康飲食


  • 用#IG 處理 PPT
  • Aqua Peel 毛孔清潔護理及生物微電流護理(全臉)
  • MediFacial HIFU
  • MedLite C6 激光治療
  • 電梯Q
  • 福特拉點


  • LED 光處理
  • 超聲波肽輸液#900(膠原蛋白增強劑)和#B9(眼部皺紋)


  • (FC) 潔面啫哩
  • 植物原肽因子 #900 和 #B9
  • (DSF) 照片校正器 (D)
  • (DSF) 進化 (N)
  • 活動A&C
  • (FC) 修復霜
  • HSR 抗皺霜

    Wrinkles & Fine Lines

    Wrinkles and fine lines are a natural result of aging, but can also be caused by sun damage and inadequate moisturizing. There are are several methods to drastically reduce their appearance, which include electrotherapy, retinoids, and serums.

    Protect Your Skin

    Ensure your skin barrier is being maintained properly through regular application of moisturizer and a SPF50 PA++++ sunscreen. The use of retinoids can also promote collagen and skin repair, reducing the skin's tendency to wrinkle.

    See products

    Promote Your Wellbeing

    Your skin's health is strongly correlated to the internal health of your body. Be sure to stay hydrated, exercise, and follow a diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    Our Treatments

    See the suggested treatments, or schedule a consultation with our team of highly-trained professionals to help determine the best services suited to your personal needs.

    See treatments